"Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny." - Lao Tzu
What a magical time of year! If you look back on your life could you ever have imagined you would be where you are right now? I expect for most of us, it probably seems almost surreal, the twists and turns life has taken to arrive at this present moment. Yet in many ways not completely surprising. Reflecting back on each decade it is hard to remember what we personally were most worried or stressed about each month, week or day. Collectively as a nation of people, we were stressed and worried about lots of things. Here is a quick recap of a few decades you might remember… For most Australians, the 1970s was a decade of great debate and social change. Old ways were overturned as women, peace activists, and First Nations peoples…
I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half the things you do, you might just as well turn over to me, and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly. I am easily managed; you must merely be form with me. Show me exactly how you want something done, and after a few lessons I will do it automatically. I am the servant of all great men and, alas, of all failures as well. Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures. I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine. Plus the…
We're very excited to have our physiotherapist Stephanie back. Steph is a caring and compassionate physiotherapist with over 10 years broad experience. She has a special interest and passion for working with people suffering from persistent pain. Steph understands how ongoing pain can affect every aspect of life which is why she offers a pain science-informed, holistic whole-person approach to recovery. Your pain is unique and complex – Steph offers extended consultation times (up to 50mins in a private room) to complete a thorough assessment; help you make sense of your pain; and empower you to regain your health and achieve your goals. Healing is an active practice and Steph will work with you to regain your confidence and capacity to move freely and safely within a life that you can love. Stephanie…
My dad has been a keen cyclist his entire adult life. Many years ago, while I was still a teenager, he encouraged a guy he met in his 60’s to give cycling a go. He gave him guidance on buying a suitable road bike and they went on a few regular rides together. This gentleman lived where our family would go for regular holidays and almost without fail, whenever I was in that area on holidays, I would see my dad’s old friend out cycling. I thought back then, when he first started, he was pushing retirement age so wondered how much longer he would keep cycling? Well cycling obviously became a real passion for this gentleman and to my surprise decade after decade I would see him still out cycling…
Apps are becoming a way of life, just ask anyone who is currently dating! Although the developers of Skin cancer apps claim that they can identify problematic moles and lesions accurately, research has shown that this might not be the case. A 2018 Cochrane review looked at two studies with 332 skin lesions, 86 of which were melanomas, after analysis by different apps, 55 melanomas were missed according to Medical News Today. That equates to 63% inaccuracy of actual melanomas. Some apps that sent images to a dermatologist who also missed some of the skin lesions or were unable to analyse them. The thing that hurts us most in life, “Is what we know that is not so”. We download an App, scan a suspicious mole and the app says all okay so we forget…
1.Smile more. Smiling can make us feel better, but it's more effective when we back it up with positive thoughts, according to a new study led by a Michigan State University. Smiling makes us feel good, which also increases our attentional flexibility and our ability to think holistically. 2.Exercise for as little as just seven minutes a day. Exercise has such a profound effect on our happiness and well-being that it is an effective strategy for overcoming depression. Intense vigorous all body exercise for 7 minutes can provide nearly as much benefit as the recommended daily 1 hour of vigorous walking. One study found that exercise alone was long-term more effective than medication alone or a combination of medication and exercise for overcoming depression. 3.Sleep more. It turns out sleep is also important…
Your Mental wellbeing is important, it affects everything from how we handle work, family, and other stressors in our lives. We can help make sure that we are promoting positive mental health by checking in with ourselves and making sure that we are consistently implementing healthy behaviours, practices, and strategies. So, what is mental wellbeing? To clarify, mental wellbeing is not the same as mental illness. Whilst elongated periods of poor mental health may lead to the possible development of some mood disorders, mental wellbeing is less about illness and more about your state of wellness. A state of mental wellbeing can be defined as an individual’s awareness of their unique abilities, how they cope with the stressors of life and how productively and fruitfully they can work and contribute to their…
1796 English doctor Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox were protected from smallpox. He grabs a boy off the street and administers the very first vaccine to prove his theory. Where was the ethics committee? Quite possibly he saved the boys life it turns out, as it proves successful. The more deadly strain of smallpox killed 30% of those infected and left survivors badly scarred and disfigured. Global vaccination efforts by the World Health Organization has completely eradicated smallpox and to date it is the only human disease to be completely eradicated.…
About 50 per cent of Australians are living with a chronic disease and 63 per cent of adults are now considered overweight or obese, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Chronic disease shortens life expectancy. The American Heart Association released findings March 1, 2021 that highlights higher consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of death in men and women, according to data representing nearly 2 million adults. Five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, eaten as 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables, may be the optimal amount and combination for a longer life. - ScienceDaily…
Laughing 100 times is equivalent to 15 minutes of exercise on a stationary bike. That’s no laughing matter! Of the 206 bones in the average human adult's body, 106 are in the hands and feet. (54 in the hands and 52 in the feet). Smokers reduce their life span expectancy by 11 minutes per cigarette. …
We have tried hard to continually reduce our energy intensity over the past several years. This is Tyack Health’s third assessment. We maintained our partnership status in 2020 and have maintained it again by continuing to improve our energy intensity. Tyack Health continues to gradually reduce our energy intensity year on year.…
Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders, affecting up to 264 million people worldwide. It is also the primary cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths per year. But as many as 30 percent of patients do not respond to standard treatments such as medication or psychotherapy. Some of these individuals respond positively to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), but stigma and side effects make ECT undesirable for many, and one in ten patients experience little to no benefit from ECT so other solutions are needed. One such option showing promise is targeted neuromodulation tailored to individual patients' distinctive symptoms. This approach is an increasingly common way of correcting misfiring brain circuits in people with epilepsy or Parkinson's disease. Scientists at UC San Francisco's Dolby Family Centre for Mood Disorders have --…
Most Margarines, especially the solid kind, have trans fats. They raise your “bad” cholesterol, lower your “good” kind, and create inflammation throughout your body. Sodas and Energy Drinks - The more sodas and energy drinks you consume, the quicker the cells in your tissues age. The high sugar content leads to weight gain and a higher risk of stroke and dementia. Alcohol dehydrates you. This makes a big impact on your skin, which is 63% water. When you don’t get enough hydration, your skin looks and feels dry, and can’t defend itself against wrinkles. Processed meats, like pepperoni, bacon, sausage, ham, and deli cuts, are smoked, cured, or salted so they’ll last longer. The sodium and chemical preservatives cause inflammation that can wear your body down inside and out. Fried Foods are cooked…
Looking at seven key dietary factors, the total contribution to the cancer burden was five percent of all cases over a year. This number is on par for cancer burden attributable to alcohol which is four to six percent. Overweight and obesity had a slightly higher cancer burden of seven to eight percent of the cases of cancer with physical inactivity coming in at two to three percent. Diet is one factor that is well within the control of a person to change when it comes to reducing the risk of cancer. Having plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables together with dairy foods if a person chooses to have them while cutting back on red meat and sugary drinks is where the greatest health wins are to be found. - My…
Life takes many twists and turns and along the way we tend to accumulate stuff. The past 8 months have been taxing for many of us and this can lead to us feeling weighed down. The process of clearing out and losing our unwanted stuff both physical and emotionally can be a very worthwhile process to undertake. Spring is the perfect time to undertake this process which can help us re-group, re-prioritise and re-invent ourselves. Abigail Brenner, M.D., is a psychiatrist and shared her tips in an article published online on Psychology Today. 1.) De-clutter your living space. Get rid of anything you no longer need. Here’s the rule of thumb: If you haven’t worn it (or used it) for two years, out it goes. Donate clothing and household items that are in…
Eating Leafy Vegetables, Nigeria "Many traditional Nigerian dishes include vegetables that are not only highly nutritious, but also intensely flavorful," says Okeke-Igbokwe. "For example, bitter leaf from the plant Veronia amygdalina is a vegetable used to cook bitter leaf (onugbu) soup that is popularly eaten in Nigeria. The leaves of this vegetable has antioxidant properties with several health benefits. Other vegetables like okra are routinely used to make traditional soups." Cycling, The Netherlands People don't just ride their bikes for fun in The Netherlands — they ride around to get to work or to run their errands. The European Commission found that Dutch people use bikes as their main mode of transportation more than any other European country. "This form of aerobic exercise promotes cardiovascular health," says Okeke-Igbokwe. Using Turkish Baths, Turkey Stressed? We…
Altina Drinks is on a mission to shake up the Aussie drinking culture. The founders of this social enterprise have used science smarts to create innovative zero proof cocktails without the alcohol and added sugar. Partnering with organizations working in the alcohol harm reduction space is how they are having an impact. This Brand is a vehicle to encourage and normalize mindful drinking conversations.…
Twitches and spasms are most common in the thighs, calves, hands, arms, belly, ribcage, and the arches of your foot. They can involve part of a muscle, all of it, or a group of muscles. Doctors aren’t always sure why they happen, but a few common triggers can set them off. Triggers for twitching eyes range from stress and smoking to wind, bright light, too much caffeine, and lack of sleep. Your muscles depend on minerals, like potassium and magnesium, to work properly. If you’re running low on them, your body sends you a message with cramps and spasms. Exercise or heavy sweating can deplete you, but some medications can, too. If you don’t get enough to drink, your muscles will be more likely to twitch and spasm. - WebMD…
In April 2020, the New South Wales Attorney-General Mark Speakman reported that Google searches on domestic violence are up by 75 per cent since the first recorded COVID-19 cases in the state. While the global COVID-19 crisis is unprecedented, it has left many victims of domestic and family abuse locked inside their homes with their abuser, with no way to escape. The mobile phone is something that many of us take for granted, but it can be a lifesaver for victims of domestic violence. DV Safe Phone will ensure your old mobile phone is erased, tested and distributed to someone in need. So get digging through your drawer and cupboards and you might just save a life! To donate your old phone find out more here https://dvsafephone.com.au/…