Whiplash Chiro

  • Brisbane Whiplash Clinic is passionate about helping patients with mild, moderate and more severe whiplash receive the best possible care to support a full recovery from the debilitating effects of whiplash.

    Whiplash is a relatively common injury, however it is often ignored or mistreated due to lack of proper understanding of this often complex condition. The latest whiplash research identifies that whiplash treatment needs to be very specifically tailored to the severity of the injury. The old approach of immobilising the neck is now recognized as more harmful than beneficial, and seeking treatment within two weeks of injury is important for optimal recovery. Research also shows that Whiplash injury above Grade 1 severity responds best to a specific team approach, like that offered by Brisbane Whiplash Clinic. Failure to properly educate and treat patients with whiplash may lead to long term pain, reduced function and even chronic psycho-social symptoms including depression and anxiety.

  • Whiplash Neck Injury

    Many people involved in road traffic accidents develop neck pain (with or without other injuries). Some people are surprised at having symptoms after even a minor road traffic accident. Even slow vehicle bumps may cause enough jerking of the neck to cause symptoms. Less commonly, a whiplash can occur after a sporting injury, or even with everyday activities such as jolting the neck during a trip or fall.

  • What Causes Whiplash Neck Injuries?

    Whiplash neck injury occurs when the head is suddenly jolted backwards and forwards in a whip-like movement. This can cause trauma to some of the muscles and ligaments within the neck.

What are the Symptoms of Whiplash?
  • Pain and stiffness in your neck, jaw, shoulders, arms or lower back
  • Inability to move your neck properly
  • Dizziness, headache, blurred vision, pain on swallowing
  • Difficulty in concentrating


How is Whiplash Properly Diagnosed?

Brisbane Whiplash Clinic practitioners are experienced at diagnosing whiplash. They will usually be alerted to a possible whiplash from the description of the way the accident occurred, typical symptoms, and by examining the neck or back and observing the range of movement while monitoring levels of pain or restriction associated. If whiplash is diagnosed you will then require more involved testing to determine the severity of the injury which will be graded from 1-4. Grade 1 whiplash is mild and research shows responds well to normal physiotherapy care and returning to normal activity. The latest whiplash research indicates that Grade 2 and Grade 3 whiplash are more serious and respond best to a team intervention. Grade 4 whiplash is severe and generally requires hospitalization.  

The Brisbane Whiplash Clinic team includes a Doctor, Physiotherapist, Case Coordinator and Psychologist depending on severity and progress of the individual symptoms.


  • Whiplash Protocol

    Brisbane Whiplash Clinic offers a specially designed team-based program to target and relieve the symptoms of Grade 2 and Grade 3 whiplash.

    The program is headed by our whiplash team Doctor who will determine the most appropriate treatment path in line with established research treatment protocols. Musculo-skeletal assessment and treatment is initially provided by our physiotherapy team, however other practitioners may be involved depending on the severity and progress of the injury.

  • How to Begin the Program

    If you have experienced an injury and you suspect you might have produced a whiplash sprain, call our friendly reception team and let them know you might have whiplash so they can make an appointment with a GP for a proper whiplash assessment.

Affording Proper Care

Many whiplash injuries result from road accidents in which the injured parties were not at fault.   If this is the case for you, or you were injured on the way to, or leaving work, there may be opportunities to assist with the cost of treatment.  You will need to discuss this with your Doctor.  Initial appointments are charged at standard consulting rates.  For more severe cases, an affordable 10 week treatment program can be offered, to help you get your life back so you can once again enjoy the things you love most. 


Meet the Brisbane Whiplash Team

Brisbane Whiplash Clinic is an initiative of Tyack Health. Tyack Health is renowned for providing first rate holistic team-based care and has been doing so for 50 years.

Shirelle Whitaker
Case Coordinator

Andy Cohen
Whiplash Doctor

Dervla Murphy
Head Whiplash Physio

Julia Tyack
Whiplash Physio

Maree Smith
Whiplash Psychologist