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Pain Management Specialist

The Tyack Health logo, the words 'Tyack Health' with two circles above the y, one blue and one green.

Feel Better For Life

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What is it?

A chronic pain specialist, also known as a pain management specialist, is a medical professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating chronic pain.  They use their knowledge of pain physiology to develop treatment plans to help patients manage their pain and return to their daily activities. They may also coordinate care with other health professionals, such as physiotherapists and psychologists
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How does it work to heal you?

The goal of chronic pain management is to improve quality of life and reduce pain, rather than trying to stop it completely. Pain specialists can help patients return to everyday activities without surgery or a heavy reliance on medication. 

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Why are we different?

At Tyack Health, you’ll find that our doctors are genuine, approachable, and above all available. Our comprehensive range of services ensures that your care is second to none and our team aims to combine the latest medical knowledge with the highest level of quality care, understanding and compassion.

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What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is pain that lasts beyond normal healing time after injury or illness—generally 3 to 6 months. It is a common and complex condition, and the pain experienced can be anything from mild to severe. The defining characteristic of chronic pain is that it is ongoing and experienced on most days of the week.

Chronic pain can result from injury, surgery, musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, or other medical conditions such as cancer, endometriosis or migraines. In some cases, there may be no apparent physical cause (Treede et al. 2015; Painaustralia 2019a).

Pain that is acute, or short-term, is a response to damaged tissue and usually disappears once the tissue has healed. Chronic pain is more complex, and may result from damage to body tissue from an acute or chronic condition, or changes in the nerves or nervous system that result in the nerves continuing to signal pain after the original condition has healed (Painaustralia 2019a).

Chronic pain can affect a person’s use of health care and ability to work, exercise and socialise (Hadi et al. 2018; Duenas et al. 2016). People with chronic pain are more likely than those without chronic pain to experience mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance and fatigue (Painaustralia 2019a).

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Common Types of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can come in many different forms and occur across your body. It’s the main symptom of a wide range of injuries, infections and diseases. Common types of chronic pain include:

  • Arthritis or joint pain, like knee pain
  • Back pain, especially lower back pain
  • Cancer pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches, including migraines
  • Neck pain
  • Neuropathic (nerve) pain


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What does Chronic Pain Feel Like?

Chronic pain symptoms vary from person to person. But the defining characteristic of chronic pain is that it lasts for more than three months. You may describe the pain as:

  • Aching
  • Burning
  • Shooting
  • Squeezing
  • Stiffness
  • Stinging
  • Throbbing



Chronic pain often leads to other symptoms and conditions, including:

  • Generalised anxiety disorder.
  • Major depressive disorder.
  • Fatigue, or feeling overly tired most of the time.
  • Insomnia, or trouble falling asleep.
  • Irritability or mood swings.


It’s important to see a healthcare provider if pain is interfering with your daily life.


Treatment for chronic pain

Dr Marcus' expertise spans a variety of alternative and streamlined treatments, including:

  • nerve blocks
  • radiofrequency denervation
  • acupuncture / low-level laser therapy, and
  • psychotherapy

Dr Marcus Gurgius


Marcus has always been passionate about helping others throughout his medical career, particularly in the treatment of complex pain conditions.  He is dedicated to achieving breakthroughs for patients suffering from chronic pain, allowing them to regain their quality of life.   Marcus takes a holistic approach to pain management, recognizing the complex interplay between mental health, addiction, and physical pain in many cases.

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Department Hours and Fees

Pain Management Specialist Hours

Note* To see Dr Marcus, you will need a referral from your General Practitioner.

Fridays 7.00am – 9.00am


Pain Management Specialist Fees

  • Initial consultations – 60 minutes  Fee - $400 

Medicare Item Number 2801 – rebate $148.35  Gap $269.10


  • Initial consultations – 30 minutes  Fee - $200 

Medicare Item Number 2801 – rebate $148.35  Gap $51.65


  • Review consultations – 15 minutes  Fee - $200

Medicare Item Number 2806 – rebate $74.25  Gap $125.75


  • Therapy sessions – 15 minutes  Fee - $120

Medicare Item Number 2806 – rebate $74.25  Gap $45.75