Exercise physiologists understand and recommend the correct exercise, lifestyle, movement and behavioural changes that you need to make, to help with the management of chronic (long term) diseases, prevention of illness and recovery from injuries. They are much more than a personal trainer.
Activity and exercise are critical elements for a healthy fit life, where you’re capable of doing the daily activities that make your life enjoyable. Time and again, research has proven that exercise, at the correct intensity and duration, improves the quality and duration of life. More importantly, it decreases the incidence of chronic health conditions and obesity.
Exercise physiologists play an important role in helping patients regain health after injury or illness. They also focus on ways to prevent further illness, or injury. When you struggle to do what you use to without pain – be that play golf, hang out the washing, clean the house or just walk up the stairs – consider talking to an exercise physiologist to find out how they can help.
Our exercise physiologist has specialist training in health assessment, clinical exercise prescription, injury rehabilitation, health education and the delivery of exercise-based health, lifestyle and behaviour modification programs.
Our exercise physiologist can help you to:
Group Class on Tuesday's from 11am-12pm.
Ellie is a warm, approachable Exercise Physiologist who combines her knowledge and passion for what she does to make a real difference in her patients’ lives. Her love for movement through sports, exercise or leisurely activities made becoming an Exercise Physiologist an obvious career path. Through this profession, Ellie is able to fulfill her desire to help others find ways to move that they enjoy, as well as support them through their challenges to be able to reach their goals.
Initial Consultations
Your initial consultation with the exercise physiologist will consist of a comprehensive discussion of your concerns, an in-depth clinical history, a physiological assessment of your condition, injury and/or functional capacity and any predisposing factors that may be relevant to assess your needs and to ensure that you receive the most effective treatment. Once a detailed picture of your goals and condition have been achieved, treatment options will be discussed and planned. Initial consultations will usually take up to 45 minutes. We ask that you bring relevant medical letters, medications, x-rays or scans, as well as commonly worn footwear and any other relevant items or information. Please come dressed in suitable comfortable clothing and footwear such as trainers, shorts and a t-shirt.
Standard Consultations
Using all of the information gained from your initial consultation, follow up consultations will consist of exercise prescription and instruction as well as lifestyle modification advice with the aim of achieving improved health, recovery or functional capacity specific to your concerns or condition. Each standard consult will hopefully progress and build on the programming of previous appointments. During these sessions it is also an ideal time to also discuss any questions you may have regarding exercise related issues, your long term treatment plan as well as your progress since your previous appointment. Keep in mind that you are a key player in the management of your concern and the emphasis of treatment is to provide you with the tools to enable your own improvement. Standard consultations are usually 30 minutes in length.
The exercise physiologist at Tyack health is here to assist you on your journey towards greater function. Your care continues after you have left your appointment – you are a valued patient and will continue to be supported until your goals are reached. This is why continuing appointments are sometimes recommended.
As a patient of Tyack Health’s Exercise Physiology, you are invited to phone and speak directly with your practitioner regarding any treatment related questions. If your Exercise Physiologist is unable to attend your call, all efforts will be made to contact you as soon as possible.
Department Hours
Tuesday 8.00am - 5.00pm
Thursday 10.30am - 6.30pm
Friday 9.00am - 12.00pm
2.40pm - 4.20pm
Saturday 8.30am - 1.30pm
Consultation Fees
Initial Consultation 60 minutes - $110
Standard Consultation 45 minutes - $85
*EPC Appointments partially funded by Medicare will be
Cancellation Policy
We understand that life is unpredictable and you may not always be able to make your scheduled appointment. If you can’t make an appointment please contact our reception at least 24 hours prior to cancel or arrange for another time.
Missed appointments and appointments cancelled without 24 hours notice will be charged a normal consultation fee.
Contact our Reception team for further information.