Flu Vaccination

Our Flu Vaccination Clinics are now closed.           




More clinics may open at a later time, we will keep this page updated.


There has been a lot of discussion in the media recently about vaccinating against influenza this flu season. Here are the facts you need to know:

  • Annual influenza vaccinations is recommended for all persons aged six months and over (unless contraindicated) to reduce their chance of becoming ill with influenza.
  • Because ‘flu season’ typically affects Australia from June – September, peaking in August, May is considered the best injection month for patients to receive maximum coverage from their vaccines.
  • Vaccines for the following people are free:
    • All children from 6 months to less than 5 years of age.
    • Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy (influenza and whooping cough vaccination can be given at the same time or at different times during pregnancy). More information can be found at health.qld.gov.au/clinical-practice/guidelines-procedures/diseases-infection/immunisation/research
    • All aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people > 15 years of age.
    • Individuals 65 years and older.
    • Individuals > 6 months of age with medical conditions predisposing them to severe influenza.