
October 03, 2023

What is your Ikigai?

Chances are you do not know what that is unless you speak fluent Japanese.  We actually don’t have a specific word for it in English, which highlights to me, we may be missing something important!  According to some sources, people who practice ikigai live on average 10 years longer than people in the Western world.  Ten extra years is very significant, so what could it be? A super food, deep meditation, intermittent fasting…it is surprisingly none of these.  

Ikigai is a Japanese word that describes a “reason for being”, or “a unique purpose in life”. The Japanese refer to it as your “reason to wake up in the morning.”

In recent years, the pursuit of happiness, purpose, and well-being has gained significant attention worldwide. People are increasingly seeking ways to live more fulfilling lives and find deeper meaning in their daily routines. The term "Ikigai," combines "iki" (life) and "gai" (value or worth) to represent the essence of living a meaningful life. Ikigai is not just a philosophical concept; it has tangible impacts on health and well-being.

Purpose is a belief that your life matters and that you make a difference. It is a sense of being guided by meaningful values and goals. Purpose can be related to families or parenting, career, religion, activism, artistic pursuits or other contributions to community.

The great news is, your purpose doesn’t have to be world-changing either to still be just as beneficial. It can simply be the expression of your talents to help your family or your friends. One woman expressed her ikigai—her reason to wake up in the morning—as the need and desire to make soup for her family. And dreaming small is helpful. Purpose doesn’t have to include pressure to find the cures for diseases or inspire world peace, it can just be doing the next thing that makes sense.  

Ikigai is often described as the intersection of four elements:

  1. What you love: Your passions, interests, and the things that bring you joy.
  2. What you are good at: Your skills, talents, and areas of expertise.
  3. What the world needs: Identifying the needs of your community, society, or even the world.
  4. What you can be paid for: Your profession or vocation, which allows you to sustain your livelihood.

The magic of Ikigai happens when these four elements converge, creating a sense of purpose and meaning in one's life. It's not just about doing what you love or what you're good at; it's about finding a unique combination of these factors that makes you feel truly fulfilled.

My ikigai is “improving others’ lives”, not surprisingly I’m hoping this article may in some way improve yours? Do you sense you know what your ikigai is?

The health impacts are obviously significant given it can add 10 years to your life. Let’s consider these more closely.

Impact on Mental Health

  1. Reduced Stress: Discovering your Ikigai can significantly reduce stress levels. When you wake up each day with a sense of purpose and excitement about your activities, your body releases positive neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which counteract stress hormones.
  2. Increased Resilience: Having a clear sense of purpose can boost your resilience in the face of adversity. You are more likely to navigate challenges with determination and creativity when you know your actions align with your core values.
  3. Enhanced Emotional Well-being: People who have found their Ikigai tend to experience greater emotional well-being. They report feeling happier, more content, and less prone to depression or anxiety.

Impact on Physical Health

  1. Improved Immunity: Research has shown that individuals with a strong sense of purpose have enhanced immune system function. This can lead to better resistance against illnesses and quicker recovery times.
  2. Longevity: Studies in areas of the world known for longevity, such as Okinawa, Japan, suggest that having a strong sense of purpose and a clear Ikigai contributes to a longer and healthier life.
  3. Healthier Lifestyle Choices: When you have a sense of purpose, you are more likely to make healthier choices. People with Ikigai often adopt lifestyles that prioritize physical and mental well-being, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep.


Impact on Social Health

  1. Strengthened Relationships: Discovering your Ikigai often involves connecting with others who share your interests and values. This can lead to the development of deep and meaningful relationships, which are vital for overall well-being.
  2. Community Engagement: Your Ikigai may involve contributing to your community or society, which fosters a sense of belonging and fulfillment. Engaging in activities that benefit others can also lead to a stronger support network.

In a world where many are searching for happiness and fulfillment, the concept of Ikigai offers a profound path toward improved health and well-being. While discovering your Ikigai may take time and introspection, the journey itself can be incredibly rewarding.

Enjoy the Journey,


Joel Tyack